Make A Difference in the Life of a Youth! Apply to be a Youth Soccer Coach / Mentor
It's so rewarding when you can be a positive influence in a young person's life and both of you have fun in the process. While attending college at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, I worked with the City of Springfield's Parks and Recreation Department and Refereed Girl's Soccer Games. The girls ages averaged 10, 11, &12 ,if I recall, and I can remember the job being one of correction, in light of my having to blow the whistle when a found would take place, but also one of instruction as I would take the time to explain to each young person why I called, Illegal Touching (Hand Ball), Off-Sides, High Kick, etc.. Each time I would encourage the girls that they were doing a great job. Watching the confidence the girls received from participating in a team and individual effort was amazing to see ... you saw physical ability as well as confidence and understanding of the game increase per each game.
An opportunity is available in Niagara Falls this coming Summer for you, if you are the type of person who can relate to and loves to work with kids, help them succeed, motivate them, become their mentor, and have fun with them, all, at the same time. If you fit that description, you are the perfect candidate to Coach Youth Soccer in Niagara Falls this summer. But you know NOTHING about Soccer...no worries...you'll need everything you need to know and be thrilled with the sport after your sent to Training.
Maybe you're not interested in Coaching but would like your child to participate...Click the link below.
The Program is unique and goes beyond simply playing Soccer. The program promotes a feeling of Success in each youth, thus is appropriately called 'SOCCER FOR SUCCESS'.
'Soccer for Success' is a National effort with fortunate participation in Buffalo, NY. in conjunction with Independent Health. This is the Buffalo Soccer for Success Program's Mission statement:
The most critical part of a child's day begins after the final bell rings. Soccer for Success is an after-school program, offered free to participants, that is proven to help kids establish healthy habits and develop critical life skills through trained coach-mentors and family engagement.
The US Soccer Foundation is the National Umbrella under which 'Soccer fore Success' operates and their National Mission Statement is as such:
The U.S. Soccer Foundation’s programs are the national model for sports-based youth development. We are committed to helping young people in underserved communities across the country. Our programs help children embrace an active and healthy lifestyle while nurturing their personal growth through trained coach-mentors. We partner with local communities to create cost-effective, long-term initiatives that meet each community’s youth-development needs and provide safe environments where kids thrive.
According to their website, 'Soccer for Success' provides each youth with a Uniform & Ball, 75-90 minutes of play per day foe 3 days out of the week for 24 total weeks per year.
If you're interested in Coaching, or even simply volunteering your time (volunteers are needed for various roles), click the link below immediately.
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