I think it's safe to say that you know you're from Niagara Falls, USA if you know where to get the Best Steak Subs i n the World ... from Mari Posa, Owner of Mariposa's 'world famous' Submarine Sandwiches. I'm claiming it as 'Niagara Falls Best Kept Secret'.

Todd Anderson
Todd Anderson

If you're not from The Falls. the sign at the edge of 3225 Military Road is enough to at least make you curious.  I wasn't enticed by the sign; we were led to check it out based upon the recommendation of my fiancee's coworkers ... which is an understatement...it was more like the ultimate praise rather than just a simple recommendation.  So we went.

Upon entering, we immediately felt like we were in someone's Home Kitchen.  Now that's not to say that people weren't looking at us as if to say, "we've never seen you here before...how did you find out about our 57 Year-Old Niagara Falls Secret?  The crowd consisted of just about as many people who could fit in Mariposa's, which was roughly 20 ... with honestly more room for about 30 more, seeing as there is bar type seating as well, like in most Family Restaurants.  Although there were tables filled with folks waiting enthusiastically for their 'world famous' Mariposa's Steak Sub, most people had ordered in advance and were picking up to go home and devour one of Mariposa's Steaks in private.

I would agree that Mariposa's 'world famous' Submarine Sandwiches restaurant is indeed a secret, because after operating for 57 years and creating 'world famous' Submarine Sandwiches, without the place being packed outside the door, someone knows how to keep a Delicious Secret.

The closing secret I will share with you is that this is not your typical Submarine Sandwich Shop where you can get any variety of sub you want (at least it didn't appear that way). Mariposa's has but one menu sign up in the restaurant...which features Ms. 95 Year-Old Mari Posa's SPECIALTY ... her 'world famous' Steak Sub, which she still cooks and makes herself, with a little helping hand from Family,  The sign reads:  Steak Subs $9.00, with the days and hours open (as you'll see in the video), and an alternate item ... Mariposa's Home-Made Meatballs...available only on Thursdays...and based on how DELICIOUS my Mariposa's Steak Sub was, I'll be back this Thursday.

Thanks Ms. Posa, and your wonderful family, for allowing me to share some of your 57 year-old story...which I'm sure is only a fraction of the Greatness you've shared with family and friends during your young 95 years of life.  Thanks again.

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