What a Blessing to be 108 Years-Old with all of your faculties.  It's especially amazing to me because my Mom is 97 and still here with us, but unable to move around and express herself like 108 Year-Old Jessie Massing who is the oldest Resident at Tennyson Court Assisted Living Care Center in Williamsville.

A huge party was held for Ms. Massing yesterday which she was very appreciative of (according to News Reports),

"The party was beautiful. I certainly was not expecting to see this many people here for an old gal, but they are wonderful people and they've always been wonderful people," Massing said." All the years I've known this group, and that's a good many years."

When asked what her secret is to living such a long and healthy life, Ms. Massing said that it's important to laugh.  She said people don't do enough of that anymore.


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