LaSalle Park Redesign Project Urges Your Input Tonight at Community Workshop
You can see designs today for the new restructuring of Lasalle Park, to be renamed Ralph C. Wilson Centennial Park and you can provide feedback regarding the future of the park.
The initial designs for the Park deal with the physical structuring of the facility such as the park's circulation, the water's edge, topography, athletics, and playgrounds, according to news sources. You'll have the opportunity to not only view the designs but you'll also be able to discuss your thoughts and ideas directly with the Developer, Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, according to reports.
Lasalle Park, soon to be The Ralph C. Wilson Centennial Park, is the location for the Rick James Funk Fest every year in Buffalo and will hopefully continue to be. This is one of the reasons your input and support today is especially valuable. There will be a workshop for residents tonight from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at The Belle Center, 104 Maryland St., in Buffalo., according to News Sources.
RICK JAMES FUNK FEST 2017 @ LaSalle Park: