Join the Restorative Practice in Buffalo Public Schools Discussion TONIGHT!
Join in this very important conversation this evening at 6pm @ Our Savior Lutheran Church, 26 Brunswick Blvd. (Food and refreshments provided)
The discussion involves our children, or if you don't have any children, the conversation is still relevant because it involves how children in general are treated in school when that child is disciplined. Many times suspension or expulsion is the case when kids are involved in incidents that would normally require either. The purpose of the Open Public Discussion Forum is to better identify consequences for kids that would provide a means for them to sat in school rather than be kicked out or have time off.
Here's what one of the Organizers, Charlie Rodriguez, had to say while urging your participation tonight to support our kids:
The state of our children’s education is under attack at so many levels, from the lack of funding for programs to overly harsh disciplinary practices that contribute to the school to prison pipeline. We need to have an alternative way of responding to wrongdoing than pushing students out of their classrooms through suspension, and restorative justice practices offer a solution that addresses the root of the problem while keeping children in school.
Parents, students, teachers and community members coming together to have a real conversation about the climate of ours and how we in partnership move forward so our children receive a quality education in a space that is safe and supportive.