DJ Starr In Big Sister Spotlight [Video]
It's Saturday Aug 3rd, time to introduce you to another amazing woman who is making a difference here in Western New York. Please help me welcome DJ Starr to the Big Sister Spotlight!
Shantee Perkins aka DJ Starr is a motivational speaker that has taken her message, “Overcoming Trials to Meet Success” throughout the Buffalo community. She has spoken to students at St. Monica’s, Hopevale Detention Center, World of Girls Empowerment, Elim Christian Church in addition to her inspirational programming on Star Connections.
Inspired and called by God to help others, Shantee Perkins created a youth program called, Saving our Youth for Tomorrow, where she conducts youth forums for teens 13-19 years of age at Buffalo State College.
The forums are open discussions with teens on topics such as, Teen Dating, Bullying, Teen Pregnancy and The Good and Bad of Hip Hop.