Could New Proposal Cause Your Organs to be Donated Without Your Consent?
Currently, you have a choice as to whether you want your organs donated upon death. However, there's a new proposal being considered such that you will still have a choice, but with a twist.
As it stands now when you apply for your NYS Driver's License, you can 'opt-in' and agree to donate your organs, or you can choose to 'opt out' and retain your organs. If you do not choose either, it's assumed you are 'opting out'.
So you'll know, 'opting out' is not a favorable response due to the fact, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles website due to their being a 'Tremendous Need for Organ Donors in NYS:
There is a tremendous need for organ donations in New York State.
nearly 10,000 New Yorkers are currently waiting for an organ transplant, and every 13 hours someone dies waiting for an organ transplant in our state
only 29% of New Yorkers age 18 and over have enrolled in the NY State Donate Life Registry, compared to the national average of 51%
just one organ donor can save up to eight lives and improve the lives of up to 50 people by donating tissues and corneas
The DMV website also has a section that explains the importance of being an Organ & Tissue Donor and a link for you to register. (Click the button below)
Register to become an Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donor (below)