Coronavirus Drive-Thru Testing … Would You Do It?
Do you think Coronavirus Drive-Thru Testing is a good idea? South Korea has 19 of them and people seem to be conducive to testing.
Some Americans are skeptical about vaccines, so with respect to Coronavirus Drive-Thru Testing, I can imagine some people thinking that something is being placed inside their noses, rather than being taken out and used as a sample to test.
Lee Jae-joon, the Mayor of Goyang. are in favor of Drive-Thru testing citing that it's safer for workers (Testers) as well as patients, according to a CNN news article:
"There's less face-to-face contact.If you operate a testing site indoors, there is concern that suspected patients can infect each other in the waiting room."
According to the CNN news report, some workers are not completely thrilled with all aspects of the testing since South Korea is facing the winter season just as we are in WNY. One of the nurses, Park Seung-hee, said this:
"It's hard because we have to wear protective suits, we can't go to the bathroom or drink water, and it's cold,"