Buffalo High School Football ‘Changes’ Cause Uproar
I've read the reports, watched news coverage stories, heard Mayor Byron Brown's reaction, the Buffalo City School Board, coaches' reactions, parents' reactions, and community reaction, all of which are the same. Discrimination is their claim...and it's discrimination of a racist nature.
The new rules that Section VI has announced affect Black students more so than any other race due to the fact that then the majority of students who play high school football in Buffalo are Black. Although Black students are most affected, other races are subject to the same restrictions.
What Restrictions?
According to reports, Section VI has decided that Buffalo Public will only compete against schools within the City of Buffalo. This situation is very involved. According to reports, there's an entity called the ECIC (Erie County Scholastic Conference) which is a very structured organization. You will not see any thesix Buffalo City Schools that have football programs listed anywhere, with ECIC being the largest.
According to news reports, the Buffalo City Schools formally applied for inclusion in the ECIC but were denied.