“The Bubble Man” Is Back In Allentown?
This man has been a Western New York staple for years, bringing smiles to everyone’s face who ever crossed his path.
Now, four months after his death, the local Buffalo legend will be publicly honored just north of downtown Buffalo.
Chuck Incorvaia, better known as “The Bubble Man,” would blow bubbles from the third-floor apartment window above Jim’s Steakout and spread cheer to anyone who was passing through the Allentown area.
Incorvaia passed away on January 18, 2022, and even though he lived 75 years, many community members would argue that his life ended too soon.
Over the years, there have been thousands of people who have driven through Allentown and have been personally touched by these bubbles.
That’s why there will be another celebration of life for “The Bubble Man” this weekend in Allentown during First Fridays Gallery Walk.
On Friday, May 6, the community will honor the late Chuck Incorvaia’s life, and if the bubbles have ever made you smile throughout the years, you can be part of “The Bubble Man” celebration from 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm on Allen Street in Buffalo, close to where the bubbles originated in that third floor apartment above Jim’s Steakout.
People will tell you to “enjoy the little things in life” because one day you may realize that they were actually the big things – and that’s exactly what the bubbles were. “The Bubble Man” didn’t know how much of an impact he had on the community with his bubbles; he just thought that blowing bubbles could lift at least one person’s spirit, so that’s why he continued to do it for years and years.
Every time I pass Jim’s Steakout in Allentown, I think of Chuck Incorvaia and the way he lifted up the neighborhood with something as simple as bubbles, but it was much more than that.
You can find out more details on “The Bubble Man” Celebration here.
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