Massive Increase in Narcotics Seizures at the Canadian Border
According to WIVB, the U.S Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) has seen a very large number of narcotics seizures in the 2020 fiscal year.

16 ports of entry into New York are covered by the Buffalo Field Office. There have been over 42,000 pounds of narcotics seized by personnel, which is an increase of over 900 percent compared to last year.
In New York, the legalization of recreational marijuana could be coming soon. According to WIVB, the majority of drug seizures at the Canadian border involved marijuana, more than 41,000 pounds compared to just a little over 3,000 pounds in 2019.
Methamphetamines, cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, and other drugs made up about 300 pounds of the drugs seized by the (CBP). In my opinion, the COVID-19 pandemic has really put a hurt on the economy all over the U.S and here in New York State, I think that's why the (CBP) is seeing an increase in drug seizures.
If the elected officials here in New York State find a way to control the legalization of marijuana, it could be a good thing for some people here, improving the economy in this state as well as helping people that may need it for medical uses.
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