Where Could The Jamestown Fugitive Be Hiding (Wrong Answers Only)
New York has had no shortage of mind bogling crimes and prisoners. Most of the time things work as they should, people get arrested or sentenced to jail, they serve their time, and then they move on with their life.
This of course is not the case over the last few days as several police agencies have been partnering together to find Michael Burham who is accused of breaking out of jail in Warren County Pennsylvania and is allegedly on the lam somewhere in the Southern Tier area of New York.
Several police agencies are teaming up on the search to find Burham who is being sought on several serious crimes.
Burham is facing charges in New York, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina and is currently being sought by both the New York State Police and Pennsylvania State Police, along with the US Marshal Service.
Officials are offering a reward for information leading to his capture.
Where Could Burham Be Hiding
With all of the agencies that are on the lookout for Burham, they have received several tips on where could be hiding.
Being that most fugitives from justice are found with the help of the public, we decided to ask our Facebook network where they think he could be hiding.
Now, while they were a few serious answers, most of the responses were tongue-in-cheek, which is good since we asked for wrong answers only.
So exactly where does Buffalo think that Burham is? Here are some of the best suggestions that were given by you:
Where Could The Jamestown Fugitive Be Hiding (Wrong Answers Only)
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