Even after several days of peaceful protests, main stream media keeps reporting about broken windows, instead of reporting the problems that have left hundred of citizens dead the hands of police. This man is not having it!

Watch how he shuts this interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Oliva Pope style! 

Of course we do not condone destruction of private property, especially when local business owners are not to blame for the injustice and disenfranchisement of the poor black and brown people in this Country. BUT, as community activist Deray McKesson so intelligently put it

"Broken Windows are not worse than Broken Spines!"

And YET the teen who we all saw breaking a car window with a traffic cone is held on a higher bail than the cops who are now being charged for the murder of Freddie Gray, who's spine was 80% disconnected after the "rough ride" to the police station.
6 Baltimore Officers out on bail ranging $250,000 - $350,000
18 yr old Allen Bullock still in jail, unable to post $500,000 bond. You can help by donating to the Indigogo Fund here.

"You gave my son a half-million dollar bail for breaking a police car window, and you gave these cops [who arrested Freddie Gray] nothing?" http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/apr/30/baltimore-rioters-parents-500000-bail-allen-bullock?CMP=fb_us

Posted by Guardian US on Thursday, April 30, 2015

Baltimore Citizen Who Recorded Freddie Gray's Arrest Speaks Out. #FreddieGray

Posted by Underground Resistance on Saturday, April 25, 2015

Baltimore Citizen Who Recorded Freddie Gray's Arrest Speaks Out. Clearly Freddie Gray was injured even before his shackled body was thrown in the paddy wagon.

You have to be very careful when watching the news. They have been known to spin stories to fit a certain agenda. Don't believe me just watch the video below!

At the National Justice for Al March in Washington DC last year, protesters chanted "We Can't Stop, we won't stop Till killer cops in cell blocks."

But a Fox affiliate in Baltimore, edited to say "So kill a Cop" and followed up with commentary suggesting this "Anti-police antic" was the cause for the two cops being killed in New York.

Keep that third eye open and watch the signs!

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