10 Items Every Wedding Planner Should Not Forget
Now that COVID-19 restrictions have been calmed and compacity amounts for the number of people that can attend a venue have risen, some brides are putting together some last-minute weddings. There are some obvious things that anyone planning a wedding even at the last minute, probably wouldn't forget like, which Pastor, or venue, and of course, how many people will attend.
Now, I'm gonna be completely honest, because of my profession, I have never attended a wedding as a guest, but as a DJ, I have seen plenty. There are some DJs that say once you've played one wedding, you played them all. There are some similarities in a few weddings, but there are never two weddings alike. You would be amazed by the number of things that I have seen people forget. I'll give you one example, I was the DJ at a wedding, where the groom went home after the wedding to take a quick nap and missed the entire reception.
Items That Almost All Weddings Should Have