Wiz Khalifah And Amber Rose Get Married! Kevin Hart Makes History? Lauryn Hill is Locked Up! – The 411 With ADRI.V The Go Getta [AUDIO]
Hey, it’s me, ADRI.V The Go Getta, and every day, I will be giving you “The 411” on The Only Night Show That Matters with DJ Supreme, kicking off at 8:50 p.m.
What’s the 411, you ask? Well, with the 411, we look to update and educate you on the latest and greatest in hip-hop, popping artists, events, album releases and all things entertainment news!
Wiz Khalifah and Amber Rose get married!
Kevin Hart makes History!
Lauryn Hill checks into to prison today!
Check out The 411 audio here!
This wraps the 411 with me, ADRI.V The Go Getta. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, all at @ADRIVTheGoGetta, for all The 411!