Where Was Your Favorite Buffalo Party Spot in the 90s?
I think that many people can agree that the Buffalo party scene was the best in the 90s, from the dance music and the many different clubs that were open here in Buffalo back in those days. I personally, played music at every hot party in Buffalo in the 90s, and even when I wasn't working an event or just a regular Friday or Saturday night, I would still go out to enjoy music or, just to chill, dance, and enjoy the clubs.
Do you remember what party spots were popping on what nights? It seemed like Buffalo had a system for where to go on which night. Do you remember CrawDaddy's? I liked CrawDaddy's for a few reasons, back in the 90s it was known for having a very diverse crowd and it was where you can go here every genre of music. Crawdaddy's was poppin on Friday's and Saturday's, but their biggest night was on Sunday's.
Do you remember going up to Niagra Falls to the Pleasure Dome? "Elite Gentlemen" and DJ Huk-her did some of the hottest parties ever, In my opinion, The Pleasure Dome was known for playing all the latest Hip Hop and R& B, do you remember how packed the dance floor use to be? All of the biggest named DJs played at the Pleasure Dome. Back when you could actually speed on the Scajaquada without getting a ticket, after we left the Pleasure Dome, because they closed at 2 am, everyone would rush to the New Golden Nugget.
Another Hotspot in the 90s was Club Squeez, located in Downtown Buffalo, this was where WBLK DJs, The Rapper Al Wood, DJ Huk-her, and the Magic Man would rock out at "Wild Wednesdays". I remember watching those guys at that time, saying to myself, I got next. There were so many party spots in the 90s, I could be here all day talking about them. Where was your favorite party spot in the 90s?
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