Was Ochocinco’s Judge Power Trippin’ In Court? [POLL] [#HOTTOPICTUESDAY]
Today's talk of the town is about Chad Ochocinco, who got sentenced to 30 days in jail, rather than community service, for violating probation. Who was in the wrong here -- Ochocinco or the judge? What do you think?
So as the story goes, Judge Katie McHugh, who won her seat in November, was quick to flip the script on Chad Ochocinco's plea agreement after he gave his male lawyer a "good job" pat on the butt. We all know this is a common gesture on the football field, but not in the courtroom!
Ochocinco's lawyer believes Chad's actions were misconstrued and that his client meant no disrespect. They will be back before this judge on Monday to try to convince her to reconsider the plea agreement. Until then, Ochocinco will try to protect his own behind from being slapped in jail!
Most men defend the football player for his playful actions in court, saying the female judge was out of line.
What do you think?
From the judge's point of view (remember, she is legally blind), all she knows is that the courtroom is out of order with laughter to something that the defendant did. I do think she was on a bit of a power trip, but she IS the judge. That's what she is supposed to do. She had to study for many years and fight for her position up there behind the bench, so why shouldn't flex her muscles to regain control of her courtroom?
I bet the next time Chad will be more conscious of the fact that he is in a court of law, NOT the football field!