I'm guessing this a new "TREND".... Opening Your Passenger Door & Twerking In A Moving Car!!!!!
Well, here's an example of the "TREND" in a video that's gone "VIRAL" because things didn't work out as planned... THE GIRL FALLS OUT OF THE CAR!!!!...
Really!!!??? I can't find fault with Jessica Vanessa and her profession... I have a problem with the MEN who make what she does WORTH A SIX FIGURE INCOME!!!! Jessica Vanessa is a 22 Year-Old PROFESSIONAL TWERKER!!!!!
Guys really PAY MONEY to watch her videos online and in person...
People Magazine released an exclusive statement Monday (February 24) that has crushed many and inspired others. Paula Patton and Robin Thicke are getting a divorce after being together 20 years! Peep fans' reactions inside.
The WBLK THROWBACK DANCE PARTY WAS PHENOMENAL!!!! Buffalo, NY really rocked the house last night!!!! Thanks to all who participated and thanks to C.P. Lacey for his great impersonations!!!! AND.... Get ready to PARTY WITH US AGAIN next month at the WBLK THROWBACK FRIDAY DANCE PARTY @ The Tralf on December 6th...
Question: Are Today's Youth Headed for Imminent Social & Professional Disaster based on what they're seeing and learning on a daily basis within Society today?
Here's an ONE example of what I'm referring to:
Post by Greatest Vines.
You can search pretty much ANYTHING on YouTube and something regarding what you're searching for will come up right???? Well, I tried this..... "WHY DO WOMEN TWERK?" Hmmmm... I searched page after page and NO ONE must be asking that question...
I think all the criticism that's being directed at Miley Cyrus is Ridiculous, Crazy, & Unfair!
Are people BLIND? Miley Cyrus' performance during the MTV VMA's was no more TERRIBLE than the performances in Robin Thicke's NEW SONG - "Give It 2U"...w...
I left the Title of this BLOG ...AS IS... so you could TRULY understand what has happened and what has led to me CHANGING THE SUBJECT!!!!
I was initially planning on doing a Blog about the 1st video you're going to see below... but when I typed in "8 YEAR-OLD TWERKIN'"...