I wondered why throughout my whole Christmas Vacation I was unable to access the Sony Playstation Network to play Madden 15. I was all set to be able to have some time during "vacay" to catch up a little bit ... but low and behold I could NOT get on the PSN (PlayStation Network)...
The world has been watching the production of a controversial movie "The Interview" based around a plot to kill North Korean Leader, Kim Jong- Un in a CIA plot. The film was set to debut on Christmas day but after causing some tension between the U.S. and North Korea, Sony has pulled the film.
There's much debate and discussion over an up and coming Sony Pictures Comedy release called "The Interview" in which two American Journalists travel to North Korea to interview Kim Jong-Un and are asked by the CIA to "take him out". The main thrust of the controversy revolves around the graphic manner in which Kim Jong-Un is assassinated in the movie...
I have a VERY STRONG opinion regarding Dennis Rodman and his dealings with North Korea... but I'm anxious to hear what you think.
Watch the INTERVIEW and following videos and let me know what your opinion is:
What do you think about the Dennis Rodman / Kim Jong Eun meeting and situation? If you're not familiar with what's going on...the short version of the story is that Dennis Rodman is the 1st American to EVER meet North Korean President Kim Jong Eun who is a probably America's #1 Foe and has threatened repeatedly to develpo a Nuclear Weapon that will reach the United States...