Motivational Mondays With Bangali D.
EVERY MONDAY NEW MOTIVATION FROM THE ONE AND ONLY Bangali D. Something to keep your mind going
From what we fight mentally to what we intake physically what we must know is only we can have ultimate control of self. Control of self comes from a really dark place, a place that many have failed to conquer...

Motivational Mondays! Ft Bangali D.
Back with Another editon Of Motivational Mondays With Bangali D
Searching for our souls we started redefining the world. Embracing our thoughts and we started changing lives. Staying committed to the process and we started to elevate the only thing that ever mattered ...

Another Edition Of Motivational Mondays
Another Edition Of Motivational Monday, Something to get you going through another full week check it out below
For so long I was that kid who pushed his assignments to the last minute because I felt as though I worked better under pressure

Motivational Mondays
Welcome to a new taste to your New Monday regimen, Motivational Mondays is something I feel that everyone needs a lift up on DrowsyMonday. You can read and look back throughout the week just to feel better about life and yourself. Ive Search far and wide for someone who i felt will be the next biggest motivational speaker / life guru below is just a quick intro to Mr...