Always thinking outside of the box is one of the reasons Buffalo's own AbSalute is top tier when it comes to true Artist, and with his latest video he shows just how creative he can get.
Growing up we were all taught to "NEVER LET ANYONE STOP YOU FROM WHAT YOU WANT TO DO", But after watching this video I am pretty sure they were not referring to these type of scenarios. Watch The Video and comment is this ok or No and why you feel that way ...
For years in the Entertainment circles in Buffalo NY people have voiced their opinions on how Buffalo has so much talent but no one from here can "Make It". Well Keyz showed the World the exact opposite.
Its one thing to be a Great artist but its a whole other level when you have God's Greatness in your art. Carrington has not only presented the world with great music but more importantly his life mirrors that greatness
Shahadah Johnson is the strongest most bravest (if thats a word lol) little girl I have ever heard of in my life. Please click the below link and read her story and HELP if you can even if its just a prayer. Her story is amazing and this little girl strength has definitely touched my heart...
They Say Patience is a virtue, and well that saying can definitely be related to NY's own Ba Badd because not many artist have enough patience to wait until the timing is right to blast off. Ba Badd has just recently released the visuals for his instant streets favorite "Period" record.
I remember one day years ago me an Super Star Buck was in my studio in Central Park and it had to be like 100 degrees in the studio but we were dedicated to chasing our dream that the heat didn't stop us. And I remember him recording on the into of one of his songs he said "It Always Gets Greater later"
The 716 / Buffalo Music scene has been buzzing crazy in 2015 so much that Finally people are starting to really support the great talent that is birthed from Buffalo, NY. T. Dot has just shown why he will be part of the reason the whole world will soon know just how talented Buffalo NY is with the release of his short film "Winter In Buffalo".