Study Finds Toxic Metals Found In Almost All Tested Baby Food
Wait you mean to tell me even the baby food these days isn't safe to eat.
I ran across this story from wgrz today and it stated a study found that 26% of containers tested contained lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury, and 94% of containers tested contained lead.
I cant believe this could even be the case in the year of 2019 with all the technology we have you mean to tell me we cant stop this from happening.
A new study examining baby food has found that toxic heavy metals were present in nearly all brands tested. Toxic heavy metals can be damaging to babies' brain development, even in trace amounts, according to the study.
Healthy Babies Bright Futures, an organization that calls itself "an alliance of nonprofit organizations, scientists and donors" that are trying to "reduce babies' exposures to toxic chemicals in the first 1,000 days of development" executed the study. The organization tested containers from 168 types of baby food from 61 brands to levels of four different toxic heavy metals: cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury.
Click Link For Full Story - Via WGRZ
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