Meet Bruce Warrick, Serving the Buffalo Community Through Faith

Undoubtedly, 2020 has been a tough year for many. Between the pandemic and revolution, it's hard to find the silver lining in it all. Many have turned to their vices to help cope while others have turned to their faith to help stay encouraged and make it through.
Whether you're a religious person or not, if you reside in Buffalo, you've likely heard of Bruce Warrick and his Trust God movement. Especially during the holidays which are tough for some every year, those with even the least bit of faith have found themselves leaning on his words of encouragement through his Facebook posts, Facebook lives broadcasts, and by reaching out to him directly.
In addition to ministering to the masses, he's also led several community events to help those in need. Read on to learn more about Bruce's mission, his upcoming holiday toy drive, and how you can support the cause!
ReddRoxx: Thank you for taking the time out to sit down with me. Please introduce yourself to the readers. Name, where you're from and what you doBruce Warrick: I'm Bruce Warrick, Evangelist Bruce Warrick. Youth Division Aide for Office of Child and Family Services. Founder of Trust God Ministries est. 2016RR: What prompted your decision to do what you do?BW: What prompted me to start Trust God Ministries and The Trust God Movement is when life hit me hard. I knew people could relate to my life and story. The way I overcame depression, anxiety, alcohol addiction and suicide was with God! The moment I tried to take my life;Jesus came and rescued me. When I woke up I got up saying to my self “God I’m all in; use me to save this generation and generations to come. So now I’m here to tell my story, minister to God’s people and save souls.RR: Did you encounter any naysayers and if so how'd you overcome that?BW: There will always be these type of people. I’ve encountered so much and it comes from the people you least expect it to come from. However I never look to it. Because for every one there is 100 people encouraging me. I look at how God is using me in ways I would never image. People are getting healed, delivered souls being saved and God is using me to do miracles. Who has time to be worried about what naysayers have to see say. If you're not ready to be talked about. Then you're not ready to elevate and go to the next level. I genuinely love everyone and pray for everyone with purity. I overcome the naysayers and the hate by praying for them.RR: What was your most remarkable experience with your mission?BW: The most remarkable experience with my mission was this summer. I did 4 prayer walks in the city of Buffalo. It was absolutely amazing. People were getting healed, deliverance was happening, souls were being saved, Paralyzed people were walking out of wheel chairs, praise and worship was happening in the streets. All types of generations, ethnicity, cultures and race came out to take the church to the streets. To God be the Glory in all he is using me to do. I’m just getting started!RR: Your clothing line is dope! How'd that come about? Yes Trust God is the Movement!!! I came up with this clothing line; when life hit me hard. I was going through depression, anxiety and felt hopeless. But the minute I started to surrendering to God and Seeking God. My life was changing and everything the enemy thought he can take from me. God restored it all and more. All I had was God! During the process of the storm I was in. All I heard God say was “Trust me”. So from that movement I can up with TRUST GOD and then I started to pursue a logo to be made and then named my ministry Trust God Ministries “A Man After God’s Own Heart”BW: I love what you're doing in the community, you have an event coming up as well correct? (Be sure to give date location time and how to support) Yes I teamed up with Amaja Anderson who owns AKLUX Boutique and Ruthie Long who owns Chocolate Bar Hair Salon & Chocolate Bar Hair Boutique. We are doing a Christmas Toy Giveaway. This is for families that are struggling doing this time and can’t provide toys for their children. So we are coming together to be a blessing to them. The Christmas Giveaway is December 19,2020 2pm-5pm at AKLUX Boutique, 1134 Kensington Ave Buffalo, NY 14215.RR: What's your long-term vision and goals?BW: My long term vision and Goals is to be all over the world with my ministry. God already told me to continue to do the ground work here in Buffalo. He’s preparing me to make my name great not just here; but in other cities, states and countries. To tell the world about a man name JESUS CHRIST!RR: Leave our readers with some words of encouragement during these difficult times.Anything God is IN it prospers. All we have to do is continue to put him first in our lives; he will do the rest.Faith it!Believe it!Speak it!Trust God!Is there anything to hard for God to do?Proverbs 3:5-6, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
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