It appears the city of Buffalo has been on a spending spree lately.

It was just a few months ago that it paid more than $1 million to buy a street from a private developer, and now the city is spending around $2 million to outfit the Buffalo Police Department with a few new cars.

READ MORE: Buffalo Police Set To Spend More Than $300,000 On New Guns

While some may argue the street wasn't a needed purchase, there is no argument that the BPD needs new police cars.

For the last few years, officers from the police department have been complaining about a shortage in vehicles for them to use while on patrol, that's in addition to the poor condition of the cars the city has been able to deploy. You just need to drive by the Buffalo Police garage on Seneca Street to see the large number of police cars in various states of disrepair.

READ MORE: Buffalo Police Car Stolen And Taken On Joyride

According to WKBW-TV, the city is using capital bonds to purchase new department vehicles for approximately $1.9 million.

Those vehicles will include some new Ford Explorers, a few Ford F-150 pickups, and a few unmarked vehicles.

While speaking with Channel 7 Staff, City of Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia mentioned that the department does several things beyond patrol that require vehicles, from community events to traffic control; not everything requires a standard patrol car.

READ MORE: Buffalo Police Department Is Tracking Your Car Around The City

If everything goes according to the city's timeline, these new cars should be online by the end of summer 2024.

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Gallery Credit: Dave Wheeler

America's Best Looking Police Cruisers

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Gallery Credit: Michael Karolyi

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Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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