Karast Maat Kwanzaa – December 23rd Principle of ‘Asar’
Today is December 23rd and we observe the principle of Asar.
On this day we acknowledge that submerged within our being is our true self "ASAR". This can be likened unto the inner self consciousness that is in perfect alignment with all that is. This sphere of our being is wholly aware of our divine purpose and it seeks expression in the manifested universe. It is always present and it is ever regenerating and coming forward. It is through our spiritual practice and evolution that we are able to express more and more fully from this reality. Once we display willingness to submit our personal self to our greater self then all of our choices in our life and our path reflect the perfect will of the Supreme Being.
Read more here: http://www.melaninmixer.com/writings/Karast%20Maat%20Kwanzaa.pdf