FBI Investigating Rep. Kevin Yoder And Other GOP Reps Caught Skinny-Dipping In The Sea Of Galilee!…HUH?
The Sea Of Galilee is where Jesus Walked On The Water, Jesus Fed The Multitudes, Jesus Calmed The Storm, Jesus Delivered The Sermon On The Mount on a Hill overlooking The Sea Of Galilee AND where GOP Representatives were recently BUSTED Skinny-Dipping which has sparked a full fledged FBI Investigation. REALLY!???
OMG... so what these people skinny-dipped...why is this such a BIG DEAL. Well, according to other GOP Members and others' opinions....maybe even yours...this has been deemed inappropriate for Political Representatives. But what the hell is there to investigate????? I don't get it. Maybe you do. Watch the new report and tell us what you think. Was the skinny-dipping moment inappropriate? Does it warrant an FBI Investigation? Should there be disciplinary action taken?