A Pennsylvania teenager is facing criminal charges after posting pictures to Facebook of him simulating a sex act with a statue of Jesus, reports KRON 4.
Claremont United Methodist Church is notorious for placing a Nativity Scene in front of their church each Christmas depicting the Birth of Christ...but with a twist each year. An Artists at the church, John Zachary, creatively attempts to send a message each year with different presentations relative to the Nativity scene...
The men who have their own television reality show about being preachers, say that anytime you enter territory that no one has ventured before, you will encounter haters
Halloween is almost always a day where ANY COSTUME is acceptable...unless apparently you're dressing up as Jesus Christ.
Well, a Senior student @ Highland Park, Marshon Sanders, thought he'd give it a try...and that attempt to express himself as he saw fit on Halloween was met with great opposition as School Administrators asked him to take it off...
Okay...DON'T KILL THE MESSENGER!!!! I'm really curious as to what people believe. I mean we have a Church on every corner of the African-American Community, but WHY? Why aren't they all ONE together if they ALL believe in JESUS? Then there are the Muslims passing out newspapers, Jehovah Witnesses knocking on doors...
The Sea Of Galilee is where Jesus Walked On The Water, Jesus Fed The Multitudes, Jesus Calmed The Storm, Jesus Delivered The Sermon On The Mount on a Hill overlooking The Sea Of Galilee AND where GOP Representatives were recently BUSTED Skinny-Dipping which has sparked a full fledged FBI Investigation...
According to the the Buffalo News this morning, a Lockport man (Gregory Owen) is suing The City of Buffalo. The newspaper report states that the man was prohibited from handing out "Religious Leaflets" ...more widely know as" tracts". The video below captures the entire confrontation. Watch the video and You Be The Judge. Will the man win his lawsuit against The City of Buf