Do You Remember Plastic Halloween Costumes From The 80’s?
Halloween is in just a few days, there are many people still looking for those last-minute ideas for trick-or-treating, or maybe a small gathering of just family, or that big office Halloween costume contest.
I can remember some of the costumes from the '80s, some of my friends and I were reminiscing on those costumes because most kids today, will never know what it was like to wear a plastic mask with the elastic band wrapped around your head, that was too tight, and the plastic mask never fit right, you would have trouble breathing out the nose, and seeing from the eye wholes.
Halloween is a very fun time of year for many people, although we're going through a global pandemic, I can see people still getting excited and going out to get the latest and most creative costumes. I personally miss the good old days of trick-or-treating and wearing those horrible non-fitting costumes of the '80s.
Two of my favorites were the old Hulk Hogan mask and the Superman mask, I'm sure there are a few I forgot, including the handmade costumes, that many of us can remember. Whatever it is you decide to do this year to celebrate, just remember to stay safe.