Is It Safe For Your Kids To Go Trick-or-Treating This Fall?
The fall is here and the cooler temperatures have also arrived in the Buffalo and Western New York area. It is time to think about decorating the house and getting the Halloween costumes!!
But after the candy is purchased and the pumpkins are carved, what will the trick-or-treating look like this year? Last year, at the height of the pandemic, many parents, and municipalities, decided to put a stop to door-to-door trick-or-treating. In 2021, things seemed to have come back around to more normal.
As far as the CDC is concerned, it IS safe to go trick-or-treating this Halloween.
Just like any other year, "experts" remind us to pick costumes that are safe for the kids to walk around in. Make sure they are not to long and a trip hazard and they are able to see well enough out of the mask. We also try to check through the candy to make sure it is all safe. I admit, I do eat (steal) my favorites from the kids' bags.
Have a great fall and enjoy trick-or-treating this year!