College Student Arrested For Allegedly Threatening To Kill His Professor Over An Early Morning Exam
Listen Last Few Weeks Of the Semester I know the feeling but I usually say it to myself lol This Student is BOLD and took it to social media According to the Miami Herald, the Florida Atlantic University student was arrested last week after he reportedly made the threat on Twitter.
In the arrest report obtained by the Miami Herald, the tweet read, “Bey I gern f—ing kill dis professor bey this is my confession to a premeditated murder.” A brief investigation enabled authorities to track the Twitter account to 20-year-old Rafael Decomas.
He later admitted he was “upset” that his data structure professor scheduled a final for 7am, which meant he would have had to get up around 5am for his commute.
The report also said, “Decomas stated he did not intend to harm anyone and tweeted the post out of frustration. Decomas advised that he deleted the post soon after publishing it.”
Court records show he was charged with sending a written threat to kill or do bodily injury. He was released from the Palm Beach County on a $5,000 bond.