BREAKING NEWS: Gunman Reported At Or Near Buffalo’s P.S. 97 Harvey Austin Elementary School
After a brief lockdown due to reports of a gunman at or near Public School 97 -- Harvey Austin Elementary school on Sycamore Street in Buffalo, students are being released, according to the Buffalo Police Department.
According to WIVB -- Channel 4, earlier this afternoon, someone called 911 to report a gun inside the school and then hung up. However, after an initial search, police found nothing to substantiate the report. The building will be swept again after it's cleared of students and faculty.
As of about 4:30 p.m.:
Reports say K9 units and SWAT team members [were] on the scene as well as the Erie County Sheriff’s Air One helicopter....[S]tudents [were] being held in rooms and in the cafeteria...as officers [went] room to room to search for the possible gunman. Officers [were] being told to move in twos and threes as they search[ed] the school...
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