Bills Fans Around The World Show Buffalo Some Love
Sure, Bills fans might have a reputation for diving through tables and destroying cutouts of Tom Brady. One thing’s for sure though - Bills Mafia has never been afraid to show some love to those who need it. From donating to charity organizations to showing up for fellow fans, Bills fans might be a little crazy, but we know that they have a heart of gold.
So while Buffalo is still reeling from the recent Jefferson Ave. shooting, Bills fans from all over the world are offering some much-needed love and support.
In a post on the Buffalo SubReddit, a sub dedicated to all things Buffalo & Western New York, A Bills fan from across the world reached out by saying:
“Still thinking about the Buffalo community especially as we mark the one week anniversary of the senseless, racist, and despicable act. It was extremely heartwarming to see the Bills organization and players stepping up to help the Jefferson Blvd community and the families in pain.
As a member of the community that was targeted by a similar despicable act on the other side of America in California last week, I stand with my fellow Bills fans and Buffalonians on the fight against white supremacy, racism, and hate crime of any kind. #buffalove always wins!
With love from Taiwan.”
After the original post, other members of Bills Mafia from around the world, including France and Singapore, chimed in to give Buffalonians a virtual hug and show some #BuffaLove.
You can check out the original post here.
What is your favorite way that Bills Mafia has shown some love to Buffalo?
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