There are lots of places in America that get a lot of snow. All across the country in the north, central plains, rocky mountains, northwest, and other areas, snow is a regular part of life for millions of people in the United States of America.

It's so much a part of life that there are several competitions where cities compete against each other for who gets the most snow. With contests like the Golden Snow Globe and Golden Snow Ball, there is no shortage of ways to keep track of who gets the most snow.

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But have you ever wondered exactly what areas routinely get the most snow in the country? Angi, formerly known as Angieslist, compiled a very comprehensive list of cities that get the most and least amount of snow using data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Climate Reports for the years 2016 thru 2021. If you decide to take a look at the list, I'm sure you won't be surprised to see a few cities from New York made the cut.

It's no secret that we get a fair amount of snow in the Empire State. Just this year Buffalo and Western New York have already broken several snowfall records and winter has plenty of time left to continue dumping the white stuff on us.

So exactly what cities in New York made Angi's list of snowiest cities in America?

Ranked 4th - Syracuse, New York

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Google Maps

Ranked 5th - Buffalo, New York

Historic Buffalo Blizzard That Paralyzed The City Leaves Over 30 Dead
Getty Images

Ranked 6th - Binghamton, New York

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Google Maps

Ranked 21st - Albany, New York

By Google Maps
By Google Maps

Buffalo Blizzard of 2022

Various Photos from around Buffalo and Western New York during and after Winter Storm Elliott brought a cyclone bomb to the area.

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