Uber and Lyft Have An Official Start Date In WNY — And It’s Earlier Than Anticipated!
It's official, and finally here: Uber and Lyft will begin operations in Western New York BEFORE the 4th of July!
On Tuesday, the state Assembly approved the bill to start the services JUNE 29th...ten days earlier than scheduled.
The Legislature and Governor Andrew Cuomo approved the ride-hailing law last month, including it in the $153 million budget. The law made changes to state insurance law that had previously held up the passage of the services.
Since the budget bill was passed 9 days after it was due (April 9), the effective date of Uber and Lyft's availability was pushed to July 9th. But officials argued passing the law before the holiday could reduce drunk driving incidents.
Of course, this also offers up job opportunities to many Western New Yorkers.
Happy summer!