The Transit Drive-In Made a Big Change This Month
Summer is starting to wind down and we know better than anywhere (Western New York) that the cold weather can come quickly and once it's here, it takes a hold for a few months.
However, there is still plenty of time to enjoy the warm weather in Western New York. We typically have the warm weather until mid-to-late September, so just about one month left.
One of the best things to do is go to the Transit Drive-In, which is located on Transit Road in South Lockport. For years, its been a staple for locals to enjoy on a weekend and even a weekday night.
In case you have not heard, the Transit Drive-In had a recent change and it's a very popular one. They're now offering something new that caught the attention of many customers.
Three weeks ago, the Transit Drive-In announced they are now selling both wine and beer.
That selection includes local breweries, like Big Ditch Brewing.
However, those purchasing alcohol must show proper ID and there is a two-drink limit, which will be enforced. The drink-limit is a very good idea, considering the style of the business. The fact it's a drive-in makes this a great idea for the drink limit.
I love going to regular style movie theaters but nothing replicates the experience of a drive-in, which are dwindling across the country. I remember going as a little kid to the Buffalo Drive-In in Cheektowaga on Harlem Road and those memories will always stick with me.