The Transit Drive-In has served many purposes this year from movies to Bills games.  Now they will serve as a mobile vaccination site for the COVID vaccine too.

To think that drive-ins were becoming extinct just a few months ago is crazy considering all the things that we have been able to use them for since the pandemic began here in the United States.

They've served as concert venues, graduation stages, places to watch Bills games, and of course, a place to watch movies and still stay socially distant from each other to avoid spreading the virus.

Now, they're becoming a place to hopefully put another nail in the coffin of the virus that has held us back for what seems like such a long time.  The Transit Drive-In is going to be a place where people can also get the COVID-19 vaccine in their car.

They call it a "Mobile Vaccination Site" and it's a place where people can pull up, show that they are eligible for the vaccine, and get it all within 5-10 minutes or less.

“It’s taking us approximately 3-5 minutes for each person to actually get their vaccine. People arrive, they go through a fairly long line which is what we were expecting, hoping for actually, and then they vaccine through 4 separate locations and then they stay for another 15 minutes in another parking lot in order to make sure they have no reaction to the vaccine.” - Daniel Stapleton, Public Health Director, Niagara County

You will need an appointment to get the vaccine and according to, these are the additional things to know for your visit:

  • There are a limited number of appointments available
  • PODs are Pre-Registration ONLY
  • Bring your driver’s license and proof of eligibility/occupation
  • Wear a mask, keep your window up until instructed to lower it and arrive on time
  • No public restrooms will be available onsite
  • Wear a loose fitting shirt for easy access to upper arm
  • Expect to remain onsite for about 15 minutes for post observation after receiving your vaccine. If feeling well after 15 minutes you may leave.
  • Visit the NCDOH website for patient documents to include: V-safe & VAERS reporting, Patient Bill of Rights, Patient Privacy Practices and the Moderna Patient Fact Sheet


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