Things We Do For Love, Man Robs Bank To Pay For Ring And Venue For His Wedding
Man Love will make you do some crazy stuff I tell you. I just think its a limit of crazy if you ask me I know my limit is Robbing banks lol.
This Texas man rob a bank a day before his wedding to pay for the ring and the venue for the wedding
Check this out though, this how you know he aint marry the right one, After robbing the bank, The Texas man Heath Bumpous fiancée called him after she had seen the surveillance video from the bank on the police’s Facebook page, and told him to turn himself IN ! cmonnnnn Heath you ain't go out like that I would have took the money and exit stage left on her.
Honest man though, he told the Sheriffs
“He basically stated he was getting married tomorrow, he didn’t have enough money for the wedding ring he wanted to buy and he needed to pay for the wedding venue.”
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