Spelman Alumni Creates App That Lets You Take Back Text Messages
A Spleman graduate may have solved a few of your future problems. Maci Peterson has created an app that you wish you had in the past and will rely on in the future.
Peterson's creation, On Second Thought, is an app that allows users to "take back text messages before the content is delivered to the receiving party", according to Black Enterprise.
"(...)set On Second Thought as your default SMS app and determine the length of your 'grace period'(...), the amount of time you have to swipe left and Ost (recall) a message after hitting 'send'," Peterson described the phone app in an interview with Black Enterprise.
Peterson is also working on a second feature called "curfew", which would allow users to set a "curfew" on their phones at which time all text messages the user tries to send will not send until they are reviewed after the curfew ends.