Rifle-Toting Women Robs Sprint Store After Not Receiving Phone In The Mail.
Have you ever order something online and it doesn’t arrive?
Well, this customer had a different way to deal with customer service. I’m not one to gossip so you didn’t hear it from me – but allegedly a female in Fayette,N.C. robbed a sprint store in response to never receiving her new cell phone she order in the mail.
Now I know I have wanted to give the cell phone company a taste of my mind before but I must admit she took it to a whole new level.
Here’s how it all went down, allegedly after she visited the store Sunday to complain about not receiving her phone. The gun toting assailant came back Monday night and demanded items from the clerk. She was carrying an assault rifle and she didn’t even try to hide her face so the whole incident was caught on tape.
Now she may not be the smartest crook in the world but bet I won’t say it to her face lol #judgefreezone.
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