Hot New Music Videos from Rick Ross, Elle Varner, Tank & Ciara [NewTube Thursday]
It’s all about spreading the LOVE this week on NewTube Thursday! Of course, there's a new video from Mister Maybach Rick Ross, Elle Varner, Tank, and Ciara each of these videos display some type of love whether it be for a country, a mate, or a performer these video’s will explain where each artist love lays.
Rick Ross Hold Me back
Has done it again! It’s obvious that the new tube crew can’t get enough of the BOSS. Rozay has crossed over Nigeria and let us see what the culture is really like after the secession ended in Africa.
Elle Varner –Don’t care
Another refreshing love song by Miss Varner. This artist just doesn't sing her emotions, she can act them out, and she proves this in her latest video. Elle also added a diversity dynamic to this video that makes her a very well performer … can you figure out what element I’m talking about? I’ll be waiting joints!
Tank - This is How I feel
This man can make anything he does look good! And that’s exactly what he did. I never saw a black & white video that was so appealing and colorful , and that voice he has can give any women the KOLD FRONT. You will enjoy this video if you’re a Tank fan trust me!
Ciara – Sorry
She’s FINALLY back , and of course she manages to dance through this love song . In this video she does a bit of hip hop lyrical dance , so for you dancers out there if you think you capture the essence of a song by dancing through the lyrics LET ME SEE YOU! I know there are a couple Generation Zers that can actually do this send us a video clip of you breaking it down you never know you may see yourself pop up on this site!
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Frank Ocean couldn't hide his love for another man when writing this song.