The Buffalo Bills are giving back to the community and want to build a new playground for kids in Western New York with your help.  The team promises to donate $1 for every new fan or follower on the Bills Facebook and Twitter pages to help build the new playground.  The team will donate up to $75,000 towards the new playground, and more than $22,000 has already been raised to support the effort.

WBLK is thankful of and proud of our loyal listeners, Facebook friends and Twitter followers, and we want to share our wealth of listeners, friends and followers with the Buffalo Bills to help them build this new playground for our kids in the community. Will you please help? There is no cost. All you have to do is click on each of the links, "like" the Buffalo Bills Facebook and "follow" the Buffalo Bills on Twitter.  It REALLY can't get any easier than that!

Thank you for your help WBLK fans! We're depending on YOU to take this over the top in helping the Bills get their $75,000 from new Facebook and Twitter fans! PRIOR TO THIS POST THEY WERE AT $22,000, SO LET'S PUT THEM OVER THE TOP!!!!!  WE CAN DO IT!!!!


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