Former OU Student “Sorry” for Leading Racist Chant With Frat Brothers [VIDEO]
Earlier this month a video went viral of members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon chapter at Oklahoma University proudly chanting about hanging black students from a tree and keeping blacks out of their fraternity. Now one of the leaders of this racist chant has stepped up to apologize. There is something very odd about this whole thing. Watch and see what I mean.
A group of African American Community Leaders stand behind 20yr old Levi Pettit as he tells the media how sorry and ashamed he is for his role in the infamous "Racist chant" on the bus.
"There will never be a N**** SAE. You can hang em from a tree, but he'll never sign with me. There will never be a Ni*** SAE"
The press conference was set up by State Sen. Anastasia Pittman and members of the Oklahoma State Legislature's black caucus.
Pittman said the boy called her personally to apologize and soon after she took him under her wing.
"I wanted him to be educated on some of the struggles they've endured," Pittman told the Associated Press on Wednesday. "I think that will enlighten him and give him a new perspective on a culture that he is completely unaware of."
The fraternity has since been dismantled and Levi Pettit has been expelled!
Do you accept Levi's apology and explanation that he simply didn't know any better? Comment Below