Everything you need to know to vote
Tomorrow, November 6th, is the day to get out and vote! We have everything here that you need to know to exercise your right! Get the details here!
Polling places will open at 6 a.m. in New York, and close at 9 p.m.
Once you have registered to vote, no further voter ID is required to vote in New York except for some first time voters. Additional questions? Call VoteRiders’ toll-free Voter ID Helpline: 844-338-8743, according to VoteRiders.org.
Lyft will be providing 50% off rides only on Election Day, November 6th. To receive the 50% off for you area, please refer to this article:
"on April 18, 2018, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed an executive order restoring the right to vote immediately following release for most New Yorkers who are on parole after incarceration for a felony. Going forward, this means that the Governor’s office will review the information of each person released to community supervision in New York and will issue a partial executive pardon that restores each approved person’s ability to register and vote.
Each person receiving a voting restoration pardon should receive a paper certification from their parole officer, along with a voter registration form – and everyone receiving restoration of their rights should re-register in order to vote. If you are serving parole and wish to check the status of your right to vote, you can also search for yourself on the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision’s Parolee Lookup website and look for the Voting Restoration Pardon indicator.
If you have any challenges with voting or get turned away, contact the Board of Elections ASAP:
Contact Us
Phone Number:
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9 A.M. – 5 P.M.
134 West Eagle St.
Buffalo, NY 14202
Here is your voter's Bill of Rights:
VOTE: The right to vote includes voting for candidates and questions on the ballot.
HAVE YOUR VOTE COUNT: Vote on a voting system that is in working condition and that will allow votes to be accurately counted.
SECRECY IN VOTING: Secrecy in voting will be preserved for all elections.
FREEDOM IN VOTING: Cast your vote free from coercion or intimidation by poll workers or any other person.
PERMANENT REGISTRATION: Once registered to vote, you will continue to remain qualified to vote from an address within your county or city.
ACCESSIBLE ELECTIONS: Non-discriminatory equal access to the election system. This pertains to all voters and includes the elderly, disabled, alternative language minorities, military and overseas citizens as required by federal and state laws.
ASSISTANCE IN VOTING: You may ask for help in voting because of a disability or an inability to read or write.
INSTRUCTION IN VOTING: You can view a sample ballot in your polling place prior to voting. You may also request help in how to properly mark a ballot and how operate the machine.
ABSENTEE VOTING: If you will be out of your county of residence on election day, or are unable to go to your polling place due to illness or physical disability, you may cast an absentee ballot.
AFFIDAVIT VOTING: Whenever your name does not appear in the poll book, you will be offered an affidavit ballot.
Credit: Erie County Board of Elections
"Enough is Enough. VOTE! is the National Urban League’s new voter engagement campaign. In this current political climate, marginalized communities cannot afford to sit out this election or let our votes be silenced by voter suppression tactics. There is power in our collective vote. When we go to the polls we overwhelmingly elect representatives that champion the issues essential to our families and communities."
"Enough of our civil rights being stripped away by the rolling back of immigration, voting rights, and criminal justice laws and policies. Enough of our public schools being underfunded and our children being over-penalized. Enough of the attacks on access to affordable healthcare and women’s reproductive rights. And, enough of the unjustified killings of unarmed people of color by the police. Vote on Tuesday, November 6! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"
"Majority of the major elected officials in New York State—from Governor to Senators to State Assembly members—are up for re-election this year, which makes this race a particularly crucial one." ~ National Urban League Press Release
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