Common Misunderstandings About Census 2020
If you're like most Americans, when you received your Census information for 2020, you probably didn't respond or just haven't gotten around to it yet. I hear from people all the time why they don't even bother to fill it out. Like many Buffalonians, I had some misconceptions about the reasons that it is important.
According to, here are a few misconceptions that many people have. Number 1. The Government uses it to track U.S citizenship, Florencia Gutierrez, a senior associate at the Casey Foundation says,
Let's cut to the Chase: The census will not ask residents about thier citizenship status.
According to, Gutierrez says, In March 2019 the U.S. Department of Commerce was going to add the citizenship question to the 2020 census. The Supreme Court ultimately ruled against it, "clarifying this detail is critical", says Gutierrez.
Another misconception is that the Census Bureau shares your information with other government agencies. The U.S Census Bureau will never share your information, it has a strict policy for individuals and businesses.
According to WGRZ. Mayor Byron Brown is urging Buffalo residents to take some time and fill out the 2020 Census. My family and I did it online and it took 5 minutes, it's important to be counted, that's how you will get funding and other resources to your community.
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