Buffalo Pastor & Wife Featured in PBS Special “INTO THE NIGHT: PORTRAITS OF LIFE AND DEATH” to Premiere on PBS 3/26
Paul King David Harris lost his life to Sickle Cell at the early age of 26.
King Solomon D. Harris lost his life to Sickle Cell at the age of 33.
Rev. Vernal Harris, Senior Pastor at Prince of Peace Temple Church of God In Christ (C.O.G.I.C.) and his Wife, Evangelist Narseary Harris, both lost their lives as well ... when each of those Sons entered a place we will all experience at some point ... DEATH!
It sounds sad and sombre...and it is...but is it really? I think it's very safe and appropriate to answer the question with a 'YES'....it is a very sad and sombre "moment" you and I will undoubtedly experience upon losing anyone close. I think it's also appropriate to state that the "moment" never ceases. It probably gets less painful as time passes ...but the "moment" never fully goes away.
Now the Good & Encouraging News! PBS will air a Special called, "INTO THE NIGHT: PORTRAITS OF LIFE AND DEATH" to Premiere on PBS March 26, 2018 and in that Special, Rev. Vernal Harris and Evangelist Narseary Harris (and others) share their sentiments regarding the loss of a loved one / loved ones.
The irony within this Special Broadcast is that Sad & Sombre actually become Uplifting and Encouraging ... regarding the certainty of DEATH as it applies to loved ones lost.
Here are Rev. Vernal 7 Evangelist Narseary Harris' featured segments from the PBS Special which are sure to ultimately move you and help ease the fears and pain regarding losing someone you love.