A Child Care Facility With No Cases Of COVID-19
There are many different options and things to consider when preparing your child for back to school, hybrid, or totally virtual. Either way, most parents will be looking for child care. According to WVIB, the Imagination Station in Lancaster N.Y has a few sites in this region. During the entire time of this pandemic, they have been open without a single case of COVID-19 in any of their children.
According to WIVB, Kelly Kronbeck of Imagination Station said,
I think childcare, in general, is held to a higher standard than a lot of other industries, we have a lot of precautionary measures in place.
Local doctors say the low rate of infections reported at childcare facilities in the region, could be due to the fact that testing and research is not done as much in these places, compared to others. According to WIVB.
As a parent myself, I know how confusing and frustrating all the decisions you have to make regarding the safety of your young ones. In my opinion, I think that as long as you practice the safety guidelines provided by the CDC, that will be the best practice, and lower the risk of infection.
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