The City of Good Neighbors, we need your help!

There is a young girl here in Western New York that is in desperate need of a kidney to save her life. She is blood type O+, so if you or someone you know has blood type O+, please consider.

Brianna Digiacomo of Hamburg has been living with polycystic kidney disease all of her life. A loved one in her life gave her a kidney back in 2015 and it completely changed her life, but only for a short time. Her body began to reject the kidney.

She goes through dialysis up to 4 times a week to keep herself alive. It's an unfortunate process and not an easy way to live, but she is doing her best. Think about how normal all of our lives are without having to go to dialysis and feel weak 24/7 holding her back from doing the things that all of us are fortunate to do.

I Wish I Was In School. I Wish I Was In My Career Already. All I've Ever Wanted Was To Give Myself What I Never Had As A Kid."

Our friend Kim from Sweet Buffalo 716, caught up with Brianna and she said that she wishes she was healthy so she could help other people and become more involved with animal rescue. Brianna gives a lot of credit to her boyfriend, Brandon, for constantly taking care of her:

I don’t think I would have made it this far without him. He drives me to my appointments, helps me financially when I need it, calls the doctor when I’m not feeling well…he has  really stepped up to the plate. It’s supposed to be the best time of our lives right now. We are just trying to make it through.”

Digiacomo’s blood type is O+. You can call the Cleveland Clinic living donor line at 216-445-3150.

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