26 Worst Streets To Live On In Western New York
Have you ever felt like your road got skipped on the plow rounds?
Yeah, me too. It may feel that way, but it’s far from the truth.
Your street is on the schedule to be plowed; however, it may just be scheduled as last (sorry).
I hopped in a snowplow with one of the Cheektowaga drivers, Matt Burdzy, who answered some questions that we all were curious about, including what roads get skipped (if any).
I’m guilty of doing this too, and yesterday proved it; I waited by my front window for a plow truck to come by, and I never saw one.
But does that mean your street was skipped?
Burdzy said no.
“The town or city gives out the orders which streets to plow first,” Burdzy said. “In the towns, state roads, and country roads, every street gets plowed.”
However, Burdzy did say it can vary based on where you are located in Western New York.
“The city is a little different as they have more streets to plow, so they have a different way they get all the streets plowed.”
Do not fret – your assigned plow driver is on his/her way, I’m sure. And don’t take your frustrations out on them if your street is last on the list, because they have no control over what roads they are assigned.
Instead, thank your local plow driver for helping to clear off the roads so you're able to go about your day! After all, most of them work through the night so you don't have any issues on a morning commute.
“Every street and dead-end will be plowed multiple times in the town,” Burdzy assured.
Patience is a virtue, as you might have learned, and it really is just a waiting game.
Although no road will be missed, Western New Yorkers shared their thoughts on the worst streets to live on during a snowstorm in a public Facebook thread, and here are the 26 most popular answers.
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