The folks who run wikiHow had to issue a huge apology after one of its pages showed a drawing of President Barack Obama, Jay Z and Beyoncé as white people.

The baffling image was first noticed by one of Bey's fans, who did her part in making it go viral. Afterwards, wikiHow sent a series of tweets and said they were shocked after seeing the page.

"When we saw the whitewashed image of Obama, Jay Z and Beyoncé, we were disgusted," someone from the company wrote. "It never should have been on wikiHow. Within minutes of the first tweet, a volunteer removed the image. We then started investigating how it got on wikiHow at all. We learned it was made three years ago by a team of illustrators who work as one. One person sketches, the other person colors."

"The sketcher sent the colorist a black and white sketch," he or she added. "The colorist did not know the race of the models. The colorist wasn't aware it was Obama and Beyoncé. We don't think the illustrator intentionally whitewashed here."

The company also added that although they don't believe anything was done spitefully, they take full responsibility for the error and will make sure it doesn't happen again. (The explanation also doesn't explain "Obama's" hair, but okay).

"This doesn't excuse the fact that we hosted a terrible image on wikiHow, and we needed more diversity on that article period," the person wrote. "We're talking with our illustrators to prevent recurrence and encourage diversity. Especially in positions of power."

You can read all of the tweets below.

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