Wegmans Is Going To Stop Selling A Popular Soda In New York
Wegmans has announced that it will no longer sell a popular soda. Once whatever inventory currently on shelves is gone, Wegmans stores will no longer carry it.
Wegmans Is Discontinuing Its Brand Of Soda
Wegmans announced that it is discontinuing its private-label soda, known as WPOP. The store brand, which has been around since the early 1990s no longer fits the company's mission to sell healthy products. The company released a statement to Rochester's WHAM ABC 13,
Оur 'Fооd Yоu Fееl Gооd Аbоut' bаnnеr ѕtаndѕ fоr nо аrtificiаl cоlоrѕ, flаvоrѕ, оr prеѕеrvаtivеѕ. Wе аrе diѕcоntinuing Wеgmаnѕ Brаnd Ѕоdа bеcаuѕе it cоntаinѕ аrtificiаl ingrеdiеntѕ likе аѕpаrtаmе аnd high fructоѕе cоrn ѕyrup. Wе аrе cоmmittеd tо оur miѕѕiоn оf hеlping cuѕtоmеrѕ livе hеаlthiеr, bеttеr livеѕ thrоugh еxcеptiоnаl fооd, аnd wе wаnt yоu tо fееl cоnfidеnt in оur Wеgmаnѕ Brаnd prоductѕ.
What Is Aspartame? Is It Safe?
According to the World Health Organization,
Aspartame is an artificial (chemical) sweetener widely used in various food and beverage products since the 1980s, including diet drinks, chewing gum, gelatin, ice cream, dairy products such as yogurt, breakfast cereal, toothpaste and medications such as cough drops and chewable vitamins.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified Aspartame as carcinogenic to humans.
WPOP Fans Express Sadness About The Discontinuation
Twitter user @LukeMayo33 shared an old commercial of WPOP.
Another Twitter user shared his disappointment, writing,
We didn't deserve you WPOP. RIP. @Wegmans breaking my heart tonight.
A lot of people on Twitter were expressing their sorrow for the discontinuation of WPOP. There is no word yet on whether Wegmans will introduce a healthier private-label soda.

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